AgiNotes billing instructions Jan 1st 2021
AgiNotes partners with Stripe for simplified billing. Due to EU regulations change starting 1.1.2021 we will improve our billing service to comply with the latest regulations and to improve customer service.
Most notable changes for AgiNotes users include:
Improved Security
If your card requires 3D authentication, you will be asked for additional details to verify the payment. You will receive an email, which contains a link to the verification page.
View and edit your subscriptions more easily
You will be able to review your AgiNotes subscription and receipts through a separate customer portal
You will be able to change and update your card details easily
You will receive improved email notifications on failed payments and instructions on how to proceed.
Later: You will be able to view and change your subscription type from monthly to yearly and vice versa
Later: you will be able to add coupon codes to your subscription
If your subscription needs additional verification, you will be directed to the the billing portal.
Payment verification with your own bank credentials, if needed.
You can also access the new Billing page via AgiNotes app. An example of the new Billing page.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email
or Messenger!